HOME > Passion to Paulownia wooden box

1 Passion to boxes as containers
Our products are made-to-measure boxes for contents.
Also, to prevent from destruction by contraction, humidity in our workshop is conditioned.
- We control temperature thoroughly.
- Humidity is under regulation all the time in our workshop.
2 Passion to the beauty of works
Contents are increased their value by containing in our beautiful boxes.
In our company, we practice the "Uzukuri-shiage" to show the grain beauty, and the "Joto-shiage" which represents the quality of Paulownia wood.
In addition, we are able to handle each of you who are particular about polishes curve with "removing R".

- The Uzukuri method is the traditional process which has been applied since Edo period, to emphasize the grain by rubbing the surface and embossing.
It results that the surface of wood gets strengthened and does not get damaged easily.
- [insects wax called "Ibotaro" is necessary in the Uzukuri method]
- Ibotaro is a natural wax which has the high melting point.
Varnishing it over the surface makes it elegantly glossy especially for Paulownia wood. This method gives the wood surface preservation.

- The Joto method is the way to finish Paulownia wooden boxes extremely smooth with whetting edges every time manufacturing a few boxes.
It may be a troublesome way, however it is the best way to finish the cut end glossy amber and exaggerate the beauty of Paulownia wooden boxes.
- [Essential whetting way for the Joto method]
- Condition of edges for chipping Paulownia wood could influence on the surface, therefore, we whet edges frequently so that we are able to maintain the best condition of edges.
For that reason, we have been whetting edges in our own workshop, which is normally put out.
We never compromise on creating the best in spite of the trouble.

- We use Paulownia wood from North America.
It has excellent quality that the grain is fine comparing to the low-priced Chinese Paulownia wood.
Also, choosing the straight grain is better way to avoid to spring and crack than the cross grain. Because the straight grain has scarcity value, it raises the value of our products.
- The fine grain
- The rough grain
3 Passion to a traditional handiwork
We promise you to execute your order with special care following the way of traditional art.
- Thoughts of the executive Soichiro Kobayashi
- ~a third-generation Paulownia wooden box craftsman~
I am a third-generation Paulownia wooden box craftsman.
I endeavour to produce your satisfied order progressing skills inherited from generation to generation.
~desire to produce boxes spotlighting your valuables~
We produce quality Paulownia wooden boxes with our accomplished skills.
Our passion is filled with "box bringing your treasure into prominence for you".
~I dentity and pride~
I would like to put my heart and soul into my work with my consciousness and proud as a Paulownia wooden box craftsman.
~a wholehearted response~
We work on hard to produce the truly best work considering your budget.
We stick to a wholehearted response with our customer first policy.
- Thoughts of a craftsman, Katsumi Saito
- ~Paulownia wooden box craftsman since 12 years old~
I am proud of being a Paulownia wooden box craftsman since 12 years old. I have made a great point of producing boxes quickly and faithfully.
~Passion to making boxes to signalize your treasure~
It is my pleasure that boxes I produced may secure your valuables.
It would be honour that your valuables are safe with the traditional paulownia wooden boxes I made.

Our Paulownia wooden boxes are used in a wide range as a traditional handiwork.
The current crown prince, Akishinomiya applied our boxes to store ceremonial exchange of engagement gifts.
- Our boxes were chosen to store kettle
which were created by a living national
treasure, Ikkei Kakutani.
- Still, Kakutani Ikkei Studio Corp.
has been cherishing our Paulownia wooden boxes.
The Paulownia wooden boxes have been supplied to the Imperial Household Agency.
Our Paulownia wooden boxes were
used to store "Shinpokyo" created
for Ise Shrine Regular Removal
by a living national treasure,
Ikkei Kakutani.